Our Mission
The Jesus Cohort is a Restorative Community Forming People In The Jesus Way for the Future of the Church
Restorative Community
At its heart, The Jesus Cohort is a restorative community. We’re a group of people from all walks of life with a shared story and a common experience—in one way or another, church has not been what we hoped it would be. Christianity from the stage often doesn’t look a lot like Christ on the page. Instead of the loving family it should be, many have only found pain, loneliness, and rejection.
Our response to this problem is to create a safe, caring space where every person is loved and valued. By sharing our lives together, our members are able to find healing, connection, and renewal, equipped with the resources and relationships they need to move forward to a better life and a better way.
The Jesus Way
A church that hurts people is a church that has lost its Way. If the church of the future is to be a place of love and not of pain, it needs to look more like Jesus, which means that we must find the Way to be more like Jesus.
Our primary focus is forming people in The Jesus Way. In the context of restorative community, each of our cohorts is organized as a one-year intensive—an intentional journey of spiritual formation in the Way of King Jesus. Working together through different topics or “tracks,” we gather weekly to pray together, heal together, and learn together through guided reading, discussion, and spiritual practices.
By embracing the reality that “Jesus Is Lord” and embodying his Way in every area of our lives, our goal is to help our members become sources of life, love, and peace in their communities.
The Future of the CHurch
Our broader vision is For the Future of the Church. Despite the mistakes made in His name, we remain irresistibly compelled by the person of Jesus. And despite its flaws, we still cling to hope that the Church of the future can look more and more like Jesus.
We’re on a journey together to discover what it looks like to follow Jesus in the 21st century. By creating a safe space where people can be formed by Jesus to give life to their communities, we believe we are planting seeds that will outgrow us and even outlive us. We still believe in the Church of Jesus Christ, and her future is bright.
Our Team
Doug & Frankie Main
Founders, M3 Ministries
Doug & Frankie Main founded M3 Ministries (now known as The Jesus Cohort) after more than two decades of ministry both in church and in academia. Over the years, they’ve seen both the highs and lows of Church life, birthing in them a desire to help The Church of the future look more like Jesus.